The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy his name!
Welcome to the Catholic Parishes of
St Marys Mudgee, St John the Baptist Gulgong,
St Dominics Kandos/ St Malachys ylstone.
We acknowledge the custodians of the land
on which we live, work and pray.
We walk on Wiradjuri country.
May we con to love and respect the land as they have.
Parish Secre
Mrs K
Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri 9.00am
Closed for Lunch 1.00pm
r Read ng Isaiah 62:1-5
As the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will your God
rejoice in you
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 95:1-3. 7-10. R. v.3
(R.) Proclaim his marvellous deeds to all the naons.
O sing a new song to the Lord,
sing to the Lord all the earth.
O sing to the Lord, bless his name. (R.)
Proclaim his help day by day,
tell among the naons his glory
and his wonders among all the peoples. (R.)
Give the Lord, you families of peoples,
give the Lord glory and power,
give the Lord the glory of his name. (R.)
Worship the Lord in his temple.
O earth, tremble before him.
Proclaim to the naons: God is king.
He will judge the peoples in fairness. (R.)
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
One and the same spirit distributes dierent gis as he
Gospe Acc amaon
Alleluia, alleluia!
God has called us with the gospel
to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ Alleluia!
The rst of the signs given by Jesus was at Cana in
REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate
Unsung Heroes
Todays gospel ends: He let his glory be seen.Where? In a
nondescript Galilean village at a wedding feast about to
become a disaster for the couple. The wine is running out. A
asco is impending. A hero was needed to step in and save
the situaon. Jesus and Mary are good candidates for hero
But, it is the servants who are the unsung heroes. They take a
huge risk. They are going to look uerly stupid if they give the
steward water to ladle out. Nevertheless, they follow the
strangers direcons exactly and end up serving the best of
wines, saving the couple from terrible embarrassment.
The Divine Glory is not going to enter peoples lives with
great pyrotechnics. Rather, when we do as Jesus requires,
even if it looks ridiculous to the crowd, His healing and
enhancing Presence can enter and save a situaon of
apparent disaster.
We could pause for a moment to pray for a certain naïve
trust in the Lord as we follow his direcons, so that Cana may
enter someones life, so that His glory may be seen.
Parish Oce Closed
Unfortunately, the Parish Oce is closed on
Monday 20th January.
Phone calls will be monitored remotely. Please leave a
message and we will return your call.
Catholic Parishes of Mudgee, Gulgong and Kandos
Gulgong Roster
26th Jan 2nd Feb
Commentator D. Kelly S. Parnell
Reader M. Golino C. Gaudry
Sacristan TBA C. Holland
Mudgee Roster
Saturday 25th January / Sunday 26th January
Commentator HELP NEEDED L. Croake
First Reader L. Nicholson W. Bodycote
Second Reader Help Needed M. Bodycote
EMOC G, Hennessy R. Gawthorne
Altar Server
Welcomer Help Needed Help Needed
Oertory Help Needed Help Needed
Sacristan L. Nicholson R. Gathorne
Counter Tues 21st Jan L. Nicholson
Saturday 1st February / Sunday 2nd February
Commentator D. Cunningham M. Mahews
First Reader I. Byrne A. Myles
Second Reader O. OBrien
EMOC Help Needed M. Gilbert
Altar Server
Welcomer Help Needed Help Needed
Oertory Help Needed Help Needed
Sacristan L. Robinson R. Gawtorne
Counter Tues 28th Jan K. OBrien
Bells Mon - E. Goodlet
Wed - J. Cooper
Thu - I. Browne
Fri - I. Browne
Sat - I. Browne
Sun -
R. Gawthorne
Mon, 20/01 2nd week of Ordinary Time
Parish Oce Closed
Unfortunately, the Parish Oce is closed today.
Phone calls will be monitored remotely. Please
leave a message and we will return your call.
12 noon Angelus
Tue, 21/01 St Agnes, virgin, martyr—Memorial
Parish Oce Open
9.30am Mass—Mudgee
12 noon Angelus
Wed, 22/01 2nd week of Ordinary Time
12 noon Angelus
5.20pm Reconciliaon—Mudgee
5.45pm Mass—Mudgee
Thu, 23/01 2nd week of Ordinary Time
9.30am Mass - Mudgee
12 noon Angelus
Fri, 24/01 St Francis de Sales, bishop, doctor—Memorial
11.30am Exposion of the Blessed Sacrament
12noon Angelus & Rosary
12.30pm Mass - Mudgee
Sat, 25/01 The Conversion of St Paul, apostle—Feast
11.00am Bapsm—Mudgee
12 noon Angelus
5.30pm Reconciliaon
6.00pm Mass - Mudgee
8.30am Rosary - Mudgee
9.00am Mass - Mudgee
10.30am Mass - Gulgong
11.00am Communion Service —Rylstone
12 noon Angelus
Bible Trivia
Q: What book in the Bible has the most chapters?
a. Jeremiah
b. Genesis
c. Psalms
A: c. Psalms has the most chapters.
Jeremiah has the most words.
The Popes
JANUARY—For the Right to an Educaon
For migrants, refugees, and those aected by
war, that their right to an educaon, which is
necessary to build a beer world, might
always be respected.
Mudgee News
When you come to Mass you will noce many people,
adults and children, helping at mass and with various
acvies of the parish. St Marys oers many opportunies
for parishioners to assist in a Parish Ministry with your me
and talent.
Being part of the parish life and ministry allows you to meet
and share common interests with other like-minded people
and is a wonderful way to deepen your Catholic faith and
increase your love for the church.
Our parish is enriched by many ministries. Some require
occasional parcipaon, while others require a more
regular service.
Inside this Bullen and at the back of the church you will
nd informaon about the many ministries in our parish
and a form to be completed if you would like volunteer for
a ministry.
Catholic Parishes of Mudgee, Gulgong and Kandos
For the recently deceased especially:
Dennis Doble (Cowra).
We remember the anniversaries of:
Tony Macdougall, Rosemarie Thomson, Kath Meers, June Pos,
Doug Rayner, Ron McCarthy, Amanda Flynn, Florence Maeo,
David Allan, Bonnie Berrell, Anges Turczuk,
For the deceased:
Angel Esber, Tony Dimmock, Elicia Moszczynski, Val Murphy,
Jim Cavanagh, Lance Tito, Eileen Csuba, Clare Van Oploo,
Carmen Archer, Ciro Spedaliere.
For the sick and Special Intenons:
Olive Quinn, Ellen Johnson (Sheehan), Glennie McGrath (Fr
Owens sister), Mary Rheinberger, Fr Peter Dresser,
Catrina McGhee, Cathy Ward, Donna Pila, Keiran Micallef,
Daniel Lee, Sigrid Germon, June Ritar, Ron Muscat, Tony Harris,
Charlie Perroo, Trish Buckley, Paula Ryan, Lynne Daly,
Horace Saliba, Tony Spina, Elizabeth Donelly, Tracy Donelly,
Joe Saliba, Kim Barry, Trevor Roberts (England), Iris McBeath,
Keiran Micalles, Josephine Debaksta, Dennis Petersen,
Carmel Thompson, and all those in our Nursing Homes.
Parish Carpark
As you maybe aware, the Parish Carpark is currently closed.
This is to allow for the Carpark and driveway upgrade that will
be more suitable to the current trac and usage.
While there is limited parking available for those with mobility
issues on the church grounds, for the safety of all parishioners,
especially children, we encourage you to park on the street or
be dropped o close to the church.
We apologise for any inconvenient.
The logo shows four stylized
gures, represenng all of
humanity, coming from the four
corners of the earth. They embrace
each other to indicate the solidarity
and fraternity which should unite all peoples.
The gure at the front is holding onto the cross. It is not only
the sign of the faith which this lead gure embraces, but also
of hope, which can never be abandoned, because we are
always in need of hope, especially in our moments of greatest
There are the rough waves under the gures, symbolising the
fact that lifes pilgrimage does not always go smoothly in calm
waters. Oen the circumstances of daily life and events in the
wider world require a greater call to hope. Thats why we
should pay special aenon to the lower part of the cross
which has been elongated and turned into the shape of an
anchor which is let down into the waves.
The anchor is well known as a symbol of hope. In marime
jargon the anchor of hoperefers to the reserve anchor used
by vessels involved in emergency manoeuvres to stabilise the
ship during storms. It is worth nong that the image illustrates
the pilgrims journey not as an individual undertaking, but
rather as something communal, marked by an increasing
dynamism leading one ever closer to the cross.
The cross in the logo is by no means stac, but it is also
dynamic. It bends down towards humanity, not leaving
human beings alone, but stretching out to them to oer the
certainty of its presence and the security of hope.
At the boom of the logo is the moo of the 2025 Jubilee
Year: Peregrinantes in Spem (Pilgrims in hope), represented in
green leers .
St Vincent de Paul Retail Shop needs you
They are in desperate need of more volunteers, both women and
men, and teenagers from 16 years of age.
These are the tasks and mes that are most in need of volunteers.
Sorters—8.30am to 12.30pm (2 or more)
Sorter—12.30pm to 4.30pm (2 or more)
Cashier—8.30am to 12.30pm
Shed Hand—1.00pm to 4.00pm (2 or more)
Sorters—12.30pm to 4.30pm (2 or more)
Cashier—8.30am to 12.30pm
Cashier 12.30pm to 4.30pm
Shed Hand—1.00pm to 4.00pm (2 or more)
Cashiers—8.30am to 12.30pm
Cashiers—12.30pm to 4.30pm
Sorters—12.30pm to 4.30pm (2 or more)
Shed Hand—1.00pm to 4.00pm
Sorters—8.30am to 12.30pm (2 or more)
Cashiers—12.00pm to 4.00pm
Shed Hand—1.00pm to 4.00pm
Sorters—8.30am to 12.30pm (2 or more)
Sorters—12.30pm to 4.30pm (3 or more)
Cashiers—8.30am to 12.30pm
Cashiers—12.30pm to 4.30pm
Shed Hand—12.00pm to 4.00pm
Cashiers—8.30am to 12.30pm
Cashiers—12.30pm to 4.00pm
Sorters—8.30am to 12.00pm (1 or more)
Sorters—12.30pm to 4.00pm (2 or more)
Fr Congs Thanksgiving Mass in Vietnam
Fr Cong will be celebrang a Thanksgiving
Mass in his home parish, Loc Thuy, Vietnam on
Thursday 23rd January at 12.30pm (AEST). This
mass will be live-
streamed. You are invited
to join him virtually. The
link can be found on our
Facebook page, St Mary's of the
Presentaon, on our website or by scanning
the QR code.
Catholic Parishes of Mudgee, Gulgong and Kandos
Reading for next Sunday: AUSTRALA DAY
Is 32:15-18 Ps 84:9-14 Rom 12:9-13 Luke 12:22-32
Final Document for a Synodal Church: Communion, Parcipaon, Mission
On Saturday aernoon, 26 October, the members of the Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of
the Synod of Bishops approved the Final Document. Pope Francis approved its publicaon.
The Final Document, together with the accompanying Note of the Holy Father Francis, is now available at
See extract below:
Charisms, Vocaons and Ministries for Mission
57. Chrisans, individually and as part of ecclesial movements and
associaons, are called to bear fruit by sharing the gis they have
been given and to be witnesses to the Gospel. Now there are
variees of gis, but the same Spirit; and there are variees of
services, but the same Lord; and there are variees of acvies,
but it is the same God who acvates all of them in everyone. To
each is given the manifestaon of the Spirit for the common
good(1 Cor 12:47). In the Chrisan community, all the Bapsed
are enriched with gis to share, each according to his or her
vocaon and way or condion of life. The various ecclesial
vocaons are many, yet they express the one Bapsmal call to
holiness and mission. The variety of charisms, which originates in
the freedom of the Holy Spirit, aims at unifying the ecclesial body
of Christ (cf. LG 32) and promong mission in dierent places and
cultures (cf. LG 12). These gis are not the exclusive property of
those who receive and use them, nor are they intended solely for
their personal benet or for that of a group. Through an
appropriate pastoral care for vocaons, they are intended for the
ourishing of the life of the Chrisan community and the
development of society as a whole.
58. Each Bapsed person responds to missionary needs in the
contexts in which they live and work, according to their
disposions and abilies. This demonstrates the freedom of the
Spirit in bestowing Gods gis. Owing to this dynamism in the
Spirit, the People of God, listening to the reality in which they live,
discover new forms of commitment and new ways to full their
mission. Chrisans, each according to their diverse roles - within
the family and other states of life; in the workplace and in their
professions; engaged civilly, polically, socially or ecologically; in
the development of a culture inspired by the Gospel, including the
evangelisaon of the digital environment - walk the paths of the
world and proclaim the Gospel where they live, sustained by the
gis of the Spirit.
59. In doing so, they ask the Church not to abandon them but
rather to enable them to feel that they are sent and sustained in
mission. They ask to be nourished by the bread of the Word and
the Eucharist, as well as by the familial bonds of the community.
They ask that their commitment be recognised for what it is:
Church acon in light of the Gospel, and not merely a personal
choice. Lastly, they ask the community to accompany those who,
through their witness, have been drawn to the Gospel. In a
missionary synodal Church, under the leadership of their pastors,
communies will be able to send people out in mission and
support those they have sent. Communies will, therefore, see
themselves as primarily devoted to the service of a mission that
the faithful carry out within society, in family and working life.
They will, therefore, not remain focused exclusively on the
acvies that take place within their own communies and upon
their own organisaonal needs.
60. By virtue of Bapsm, women and men have equal dignity as
members of the People of God. However, women connue to
encounter obstacles in obtaining a fuller recognion of their
charisms, vocaon and place in all the various areas of the
Churchs life. This is to the detriment of serving the Churchs
shared mission. Scripture aests to the prominent role of many
women in the history of salvaon. One woman, Mary Magdalene,
was entrusted with the rst proclamaon of the Resurrecon. On
the day of Pentecost, Mary, the Mother of God, was present,
accompanied by many other women who had followed the Lord.
It is important that the Scripture passages that relate these stories
nd adequate space inside liturgical leconaries. Crucial turning
points in Church history conrm the essenal contribuon of
women moved by the Spirit. Women make up the majority of
churchgoers and are oen the rst witnesses to the faith in
families. They are acve in the life of small Chrisan communies
and parishes. They run schools, hospitals and shelters. They lead
iniaves for reconciliaon and promong human dignity and
social jusce. Women contribute to theological research and are
present in posions of responsibility in Church instuons, in
diocesan curia and the Roman Curia. There are women who hold
posions of authority and are leaders of their communies. This
Assembly asks for full implementaon of all the opportunies
already provided for in Canon Law with regard to the role of
women, parcularly in those places where they remain
underulised. There is no reason or impediment that should
prevent women from carrying out leadership roles in the Church:
what comes from the Holy Spirit cannot be stopped. Addionally,
the queson of womens access to diaconal ministry remains
open. This discernment needs to connue. The Assembly also asks
that more aenon be given to the language and images used in
preaching, teaching, catechesis, and the draing of ocial Church
documents, giving more space to the contribuons of female
saints, theologians and myscs.
61. Within the Chrisan community, special aenon should be
given to children. Not only do children need accompaniment in
their growth, but they have much to give to the community of
believers. When the apostles argue among themselves about who
is the greatest, Jesus puts a child at the centre, presenng the
child as a criterion for entering the Kingdom (cf. Mk 9:33-37). The
Church cannot be synodal without the contribuon of children,
who are bearers of missionary potenal, being valued. The voice
of the child is needed by the community. We must listen to
children and make eorts to ensure that everyone in society
listens to them, especially those who have polical and
educaonal responsibilies.
A society that is not able to
welcome and care for
children is a sickly society.
The suering experienced
by many children due to
war, poverty and
abandonment, abuse and
tracking is a scandal that
calls both for the courage to
denounce their suering
and for a serious
commitment to solidarity.