St Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council Report – September 2023
Our goal is to make Jesus present in our local community.
2023 Events and iniaves
St Patricks Day Dinner – fully booked, and a great night.
New Parishioners Dinner - Personal invitaons were sent to New Parishioners, with six aending and
three inabilies to aend. An enjoyable evening.
Soup & Slice lunch aer Friday 12.30PM Mass . Held three mes to date, and good numbers are
To recognise & celebrate The Feast of the Assumpon - a Wine & Cheese funcon was held in the
Parish Centre aer the evening Mass. Aended by approximately 30 people.
Conversaons about Death, Dying and Bereavement – held over four sessions & facilitated by
Representaon at Uning Church 160
th Anniversary Celebraons
Year 12 Prayer Partners Mass’s & Morning teas
Sacramental Programs
Music Ministry – being supported & encouraged
Commied to assist with the Combined Churches Christmas Lunch this year.
In planning :
Men’s Breakfast, Trivia Night, Parish Christmas Dinner with An Internaonal theme, Cuppa aer
Sunday morning Mass .
Church Life Survey Review –noted in review the lack of response from youth. Thus, focus groups
were held with Secondary students to gain some sense of their response to Church, Mass, Faith &
our Parish. This is currently an ongoing project.