St Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council Report – October 2023
Our goal is to make Jesus present in our local community.
Report on some acvies supported by Parish Council.
The Trivia Night proved a great success, with lots of chaer, singing and dancing in the ny oor
space. Many laughs and fun. A fabulous crowd that responded so well to the night.
We had just over 60 people aend. It was delighul that we had a real cross secon of ages, from
teenagers to a number of our elderly Parishioners.
Thank you to those Parishioners who organised tables.
We lled the carpeted room nicely, a lile cosy, however I think that added to the success of the
Thank you to all who assisted in anyway to make the night happen.
The trivia quesons (created by Tanya Spaling) threw some challenges at aendees, and compeon
was great.
A wonderful night was had by all.
Youth Focus Groups. St Mahews students from year 7-11 parcipated in two focus groups and were
asked to think about:
• the perfect Mass
• a Mass where they were disappointed
• what makes them feel welcome
• Good things in our Parish
• What hinders their parcipaon
• What would they change
The students were discerning, respecul, thoughul & knowledgeable about their faith.
Some comments about Mass:
• Mass does not need to be inside always; it might be outside respecng & celebrang our
• Chairs not pews in Church
• Large screen to follow mass & responses
• There are not many young people at Mass
• They feel judged by their peers if they parcipate in Mass
Some comments on the Liturgy:
• Music always – just not organ all the me
• Music that young people know
• One concept from Gospel to be talked about & apply it to their lives
Some suggesons to Parish Council:
• Revamp Parish Bullen to include items for all ages, including youth
• Morning tea aer Mass
• Parcipang in Youth Council
The Parish Council have had some discussions around this report, and are forwarding a response to
the students acknowledging their parcipaon, responses & suggesons, and advising that we are
looking at ways of addressing some suggesons.
Sacramental Programs: All completed for 2023.
The response to a survey distributed to parents, indicates on the whole posive response to the
programs. The iniave of going paperless and personal webpage was welcomed. The Zoom sessions
were welcomed by those families who could not aend face to face meengs.
Morning Tea for Year 12 students & their Prayer Partners held 13th September. The school
acknowledged the support of the students through the Prayer Partner Program.
Solemnity of Christ the King will be Youth Mass & Morning tea to celebrate 2023 Sacramental
Candidates- Date 25th November
Date set and plans made for end of Year Parish Dinner – will be held Sunday 3rd December 6pm in
Church Grounds. It will be a Mulcultural Theme to reect on the various naonalies within our
Key dates for 2024 have been noted by Parish Council to allow forward planning of events for the